Wednesday, August 11, 2010

No Job News Yet, But Here Are the Stats

A great big thank you for everyone's support and encouragement during my search for a teaching position in Southwestern Ontario. I'm afraid I have no news to report in terms of a job offer, but for the curious (and for fellow stats geeks) I've compiled the data of my search to date in the table and chart below.

As you can see, I have submitted a total of 86 applications. These applications have been in response to job postings from the 10 school boards to which Jeanette and I are willing to move. It is interesting to see that kindergarten positions are the most in demand, likely as a result of the ongoing implementation of full-day kindergarten across the province. More surprising to me is that the second most advertised positions have been for grade 6. Whatever the reasons behind these numbers, I'm encouraged; the lowest and highest grades were the practica I enjoyed the most.

Keep your fingers crossed for me, folks. By now some of you are starting to look pretty claw-handed, but hopefully I'll find something soon. Stay tuned!


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