Wednesday, November 29, 2006

CT Scan Clear! Surgery It Is!

Good news! The CT scan was clear -- no signs of any more cancer anywhere in my head, neck, or chest. Aunt Linda, Jeanette, and I just met with Dr. Irish and Dr. O'Sullivan and they agree that surgery is the best option. It likely won't be scheduled until after Christmas.

The question then became whether to have the tongue surgery only or to also have a neck dissection (to remove the lmyph nodes on the left side). Although the CT scan was clear, there is about a 20% chance there could be cancer cells on a microscopic level. The neck surgery would leave a significant scar, result in permanent numbness in that area of the neck, and possible loss of feeling in part of my lip.

Although it was tempting to say yes to the neck option as an all-out assualt on the cancer, I've decided against it. The 80% odds of a cancer-free neck are very good, and even if cancer does turn up down the road (I'll have another CT scan three months after the surgery, and then check ups every months in the year following), I can have the neck surgery at that time and it will be equally as effective if I have it now.

This is all great news. No six weeks of radiation therapy. No missing Christmas. No loss of taste buds. Who knew three weeks of pain recovering from tongue surgery could sound so appealing?


At November 29, 2006 12:27 PM, Blogger janice said...

It sounds like it is a relief to have have a decision made and I am so happy it is the treatment that seems to have the shorter list of side effects and recovery time. We are still sending positive vibes from the Westcoast. Can you feel them? They might be covered in icicles, but they are there. Lots of love,


At November 29, 2006 1:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi David,

That's great news about the CT scan being clear! Yay! :)

Brooke and I just wanted to let you know that we're thinking about you (and my family is too!).


At November 29, 2006 1:51 PM, Blogger Chad Skelton said...

That's great news, Dave! Best of luck with the surgery! We'll be thinking of you.

At November 29, 2006 3:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so happy to hear this good news! You must feel so relieved to know where you're going with everything now.

At November 29, 2006 5:49 PM, Blogger Selene said...

See you Saturday!


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