Wednesday, December 06, 2006

The Roller Coaster Continues

Roller coaster up: This morning I had a very brief follow-up appointment with dentist Dr. Lee. She once again offered interesting details I hadn't heard before. According to Dr. Lee, the surgeon will send the excised tissue for a pathology while I'm still on the surgical table. The pathology results will tell the surgical team whether they can stitch me up or do a little more trimming. Kind of like pausing during a haircut to see how it looks. Okay, maybe not like that at all.

This afternoon I left work early to get a flu shot from my family doctor. After the shot, Dr. Gallimore and I chatted about how puzzling it is for me to have tongue cancer -- he's only seen it in three of his patients in his twenty-plus years of practice, and they were all smokers over the age of fifty. You'd think I'd sound more like Leonard Cohen if I had the tongue of a fifty-year-old smoker.

Roller coaster down: I arrived home to find a message on my machine from Dr. Irish's office: the surgery is booked for Dec. 20! Just when I was delighting in being of sound tongue for Christmas! I plan to call in the morning and beg them to delay by at least a week.

Roller coaster up: Meanwhile, I continue to try and make the most of my December. In that spirit, I'll be performing with the improv comedy troupe The Blue Margarets on Saturday night at The Charlotte Room here in Toronto. Come on out for some laughs and witness my quick tongue while you can. Send me an e-mail if you're interested but can't make out the details on the tiny poster below.


At December 07, 2006 5:08 PM, Blogger Selene said...

Dang, David, if it was NEXT weekend, I'd so be there (I'm in Toronto next weekend).
This weekend, we have 2 parties and a visitor.

At December 07, 2006 7:27 PM, Blogger Tim Norton - The Acting Artist said...

It's great that you are still doing improv, David! Unfortunately I can't make it that night as I have a company X-mas party, but leave me any info about future spots.

At December 07, 2006 10:07 PM, Blogger David Wichman said...

No worries, guys! I'll keep you posted on any future shows.


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