Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Rock Bottom

(Warning: the following post contains images and descriptions of severe grossness. If you think it's bad to read about, try experiencing it.)

Worst. Week. Ever.

True to the warnings, the pain is my mouth has continued to worsen despite the end of treatment. To deal with it, I was taking the prescribed liquid codeine every four hours. One of the side effects, drowsiness, was immediate and helped me sleep. The other side effect, constipation, was slower to take effect. In preparation, I was also carefully taking the prescribed laxative and stool softeners. As it turns out, it would have been more effective if I had been prescribed a midwife.

On Sunday, the constipation arrived. It was more painful than any of the mouth pain I've experienced -- immediate and unrelenting. Between convulsions on the toilet, I stopped taking the codeine and continued with the anti-constipation stuff. What followed was a gruelling 72 hours of hell as I dealt with both the full-blown mouth pain and the far worse ordeal of trying to pass objects the size of tennis balls and five times as dense.

At one point on Monday, my writhing pulled loose my J-tube from my stomach by a good four inches. Jeanette rushed me down to the nursing clinic at PMH where they determined the tube was still properly in place internally (thank goodness) and re-secured its external dressing.

Today, at last, the worst seems to have passed (so to speak). I finally have the strength to sit at the computer again and am even managing to do so some laundry. For my own sanity, I need to believe that this episode is the worst things will get and that it's all uphill from here. Rock bottom is neither a place I want to dwell nor a nickname I want to keep.


At December 05, 2007 4:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awwww! That sounds just awful! The worst of both worlds coming and going. I guess a concentrated diet with no fiber wouldn't help matters. Nothing profound to say, but I sincerely hope that you won’t be “Rock Bottom” again and continue to get stronger. I'm trying to think of a clever pun about how you should stop being a "hard ass" but nothing is coming to mind...


At December 05, 2007 10:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I ditto the Awwwww! Good grief David, I don't even know what to say but that I hope that was the rock bottom. We've been thinking of you (even though our silence probably seems otherwise). If you weren't so sleepy from Codeine I'd ask you if you wanted to do some night time feedings? We're sending lots of positive vibes your way. xoxo Dennis, Barb, Landon & Griffin.

At December 07, 2007 12:21 PM, Blogger alicia said...

you warned me of the grossness...yet i read it anyway. lesson learned.

hang in there david - santa comes in 17 days!


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