Adieu, Annick, Adieu

Perhaps you recall the famous chocolate factory episode of I Love Lucy. Lucy finds herself working on a candy-wrapping line when the conveyor belt starts sending the sweets along at an alarming rate. I’ve often used this example as analogous to the feeling of working in publishing: with so many projects flying towards you, there is seldom much time to savour each one upon its completion. My time at Annick Press drew to a close this week, and as future projects were diverted to other staff members, I was able, for the first time, to truly appreciate the individual books I was finishing.
And yet, how could these final “chocolates” not be bittersweet? It would be one thing if I was leaving a job that I disliked, but here I am walking away from the most amazing job I’ve ever had. Yes, I’m excited about the new adventure involved in becoming a teacher, but it is nevertheless with a heavy heart that I leave the offices of Annick Press behind.
It is no small choice to give up a role in shaping books for thousands of young readers. As cool as that has been, though, the real heartache comes from saying good-bye to my co-workers. The people with whom I’ve worked so closely over these past six years have seen me at my best and at my worst. Through these highs and lows they have offered me their patience, support, generosity, and even friendship. They have taught me with their skills and experience, their words and actions, and their ability to laugh even in the midst of crazy-making circumstances. These lessons extended well beyond the boundaries of the job and have served me well in dealing with life. As I told the Annick staff at the farewell lunch they held for me this week, there is not one person among them who hasn’t deeply impressed me on a number of occasions. I will dearly miss interacting with them on a daily basis.
The good news is that Annick is keen to let me continue to work with them on a freelance basis as my time allows. That offer instills in me the hope that this “adieu” is really more of an “à bientôt”. And so, to Brigitte, Colleen, Diana, Heather, Kathy, Katie, Marion, Melissa, Monica, Rick, Sandra, Sheryl, Stella, Susan, Toni, everyone over at Firefly Books, and all the amazing authors, illustrators, and editors with whom I’ve had the pleasure to work: I truyl truly look forward to seeing you later!