Monday, January 29, 2007

Back to Work, Back to Normal

Today I returned to work and I'm happy to report that I'm feeling back to my old self. It's hard to believe the surgery was only two weeks ago. Later this week I hope to resume jogging in the mornings, thereby signalling a full return to healthy -- here's hoping that it's here to stay.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Still Improving

All systems are returning to go: I am officially off the painkillers, I'm managing to talk on the phone, and I can feel my strength returning to normal. Tomorrow I plan to bundle up and face the cold for a good walk. Here's to good, lasting health!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

A Good Day

A good day today. Only one painkiller, with breakfast. Eating is still tricky but no longer excruciating; some foods still sting, but I'm managing solids like pasta and English muffins. I even ventured out for a short walk up the street. Speaking is also getting easier, so I hope to manage phone calls soon as well. With a few more days' rest, I'll likely be back to business as usual.

In other news, on Monday, February 5 I'll return to PMH for a follow-up examination with Dr. Irish (or, as I now like to call him, Dr. Tongue).

Monday, January 22, 2007

Finally Getting Better

The pain is less intense today; in fact, I manged to avoid taking any painkillers through the night. Swallowing is still a struggle, but the pain isn't as sharp. Fingers crossed that this means I'm finally on the upswing.

Which means, of course, that it's time for the constipation to hit full force. Yes, that's this morning's other big development. *sigh* Well, at least it didn't hit when the pain was at its worst. I'll spare you the details (sorry, Scoobies) but rest assured I have a full array of products lined up to battle this condition.

One final note in the "ya gotta laugh" department: Jeanette and I woke up to the sound and sensation of jackhammers next to our heads. Yes, the brickwork repair for our building has started in earnest -- on the outside wall of our bedroom. Good times!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Pain Remains Bad

If I remain still, there is no pain at all. But each swallow from drinking or eating causes a sensation like a scalpel blade cutting my tongue where it meets the base of my mouth. This makes taking painkillers especially difficult.

My prescription of Tylenol-3s ran out, but Jeanette was able to speak to someone at PMH who said it would be fine to take the painkillers left over from my last surgery -- something called Endocet, which is actually stronger. I have about 15 of those pills left.

Jeanette will talk with Dr. Irish's office on Monday to renew the Tylenol-3 prescription and to see if I need to be looked at. It's frustrating not knowing whether this new pain is part of the healing process or something troubling. For instance, there was a little more blood yesterday than I've yet seen. Normal? Cause for alarm?

Meanwhile, the pain and the restlessness of being housebound has made me a bit of a beast. My apologies to visitors, callers, and especially to Jeanette for putting up with me being less than cordial.

More tomorrow.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Enough with the Ouch Already!

Pain is more intense today. Eating is especially troublesome. Down to my last four painkillers, so Jeanette has called about refilling the prescription. Could take up to 48 hours. Yikes!

Finding escape in rewatching The Big Lebowski and The Office (U.S.). Laughing hurts less than eating.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Songs in the Tune of Ouch

It's official: the healing from this surgery is taking longer than did the original surgery in September. After that procedure, I was back in action three days later. Three days after this one, I'm still tongue-deep in painkillers.
I am frustrated that the pain this time is following a schedule all its own. Instead of moving slowly from worse to better, it jumps around the scale. Sometimes I need only one painkiller every five hours; sometimes I'm desperate for two painkillers only two hours into my current dose. At times I feel well enough to rant here on the blog, at others -- like last night at midnight -- I'm pacing the apartment clutching my face and longing for the Tylenol-3 to kick in. That episode reached a six on the pain scale.
Rest definitely helps. Yesterday, I joined my mom and Jeanette in the outside world for a quick errand. It was no more than 25 minutes, and I was in the car most of the time, and yet by the time we returned home, I felt horrible. I won't make the mistake of venturing out again anytime soon.
Eating also helps, although it is a double-edged sword: I feel stronger on a full stomach, but the act of swallowing even liquefied food is painful and the ache lingers for some time after the meal. Thankfully, there are plenty of tasty soft foods on hand thanks to Jeanette, to our friends Ali and Andy who dropped off some meals, and to the folks from Annick who sent a generous gift basket yesterday. Thank you! Nothing motivates eating like tasty food (and hunger, I suppose).
I must sign off now. The sofa beckons and it's time to continue my DVD musical marathon. Surprisingly effective comfort viewing -- as long as I don't try to sing along.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Woke up at 3:30 AM last night to the worst pain yet. Five out of ten on the ol' pain scale. Forced down a Tylenol-3 and managed to get back to sleep. Pain is back down to three out of ten this morning. Even so, still trying to minimize the painkillers and maximize the prune juice to avoid the horrible constipation of the last surgery. Oh, sorry... is that too much information?

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I'm Home!

I am now home from the surgery and happy to report everything went well. I experienced no ill effects from the anesthetic, and the morphine administered during the procedure kept me pain-free and surprisingly clear-headed for most of the evening last night. I successfully polished off a hospital dinner of mac & cheese with ground beef and I was even able to make a few phone calls to let people know all was well.

Overnight was a little more of a struggle. I developed a slight fever, and because they had me on IV fluids, I was up and down to the washroom quite frequently... with IV pole in tow (it's not so easy to navigate those things through a dark hospital room while your gown flaps open at the back). Nevertheless, I only needed pain medication -- Tylenol 3, baby -- once, around midnight. By this morning, the fever had broken, but the pain and discomfort were a little more intense -- particularly when I try to speak or swallow. Considering how much tissue Dr. Irish appears to have removed (it looks like somebody scooped out a perfectly formed tablespoon of my tongue), it seems remarkable that I'm not in more pain -- even one of the nurses was amazed. However, it's early going yet, so I musn't get overconfident. Jeanette is out now having my prescription filled.

One last adventure to report before I go and rest. There was some confusion early in the day yesterday when we showed up at the wrong hospital. Yes, despite the specific instructions we'd been given (I'm talking maps and room numbers) to check in at Toronto General Hospital, the kindly gentleman at the desk told us we should be across the street at Princess Margaret Hospital. *sigh* As I've said before, at least it's only the little things that have gone wrong through all this!

A very big thank you to Jeanette and my mom for accompanying me to the hospital. How wonderful to have a family who gets you belly-laughing seconds before you're wheeled into surgery. (Jeanette's misadventure with a motion activated sink just outside of the operating room will have us giggling for years to come.)

Sunday, January 14, 2007

'Twas the Night Before Surgery...

...and all through my brain, the worries were few, except for the pain.

T-minus 14.5 hours until the surgery and the above statement pretty much sums up my mental state. I have full confidence that the procedure will go well; my only anxiety is anticipating the post-op pain. Even so, I'm relieved the day is finally upon us. I'm looking forward to getting it done, getting better, and the getting on with life.

My continued thanks to all for your e-mails, messages, and phone calls of support. Jeanette and my mom (who arrived in town this afternoon) will be fielding calls here tomorrow evening. Otherwise, watch this space for a health update after I arrive home from the hospital on Tuesday.

See ya'll on the flipside!