Thursday, August 20, 2015

The Blog Formerly Known as But I'm an Aries!

I have relocated to WordPress from BlogSpot because BlogSpot does not interact as smoothly with Twitter and Facebook.

You'll now find me at:

Thank you for your patience.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

What's the Story, Mourning Glory?

I have not posted here in a long time. Teaching, social media, and occasional publishing work scratches most of my creative communication itches (and takes up the lion's share of my time!). Even so, it's comforting to know that when I need it, this blog is available as an outlet. This is such a time.

October will be one year since my amazing sister died. It has been a year marked by sad anniversaries, each described as "This is my first ______ without Leighann." A particularly significant event that she and I annually enjoyed together was FanExpo Canada. This year's FanExpo is coming up in a few weeks. This is my first FanExpo without Leighann.

I am grateful to be starting a new teaching position that same week. Preparing for a new job and for back to school will keep me plenty occupied (i.e. distracted). Being off this month, however, has proven trickier. This is the month when Leighann would come join us for a week in cottage country. We didn't go this year, opting instead to spend a week in Halifax back in June. That was a wonderful trip, full of visiting people and places important to Leighann and important to us.

Having time on my hands this month, however, I find myself missing Leighann more than ever. I find myself imagining talking with her and stoking each other's excitement for our time together at FanExpo. It made sense to express that as a comic. Below is the result. I don't know if there will be more, but this one wanted to be made, so here it is:

For more about my amazing sister, check out the links below.

Leighann's obituary
Chronicle Herald article
CTV News report
Daily Xtra article