Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Happy Holidays at Last!

What a wonderful year it has been! Last year at this time, I was just emerging from the misery of cancer treatment and welcoming the fledgling return of my taste buds. This year I have completed four months of a masters degree including over 190 hours of elementary school practicum and met some truly amazing people in the process. Meanwhile, I have also managed to fit in some editorial work on the side. Even though I now welcome these badly needed weeks off, I have loved almost every minute of Fall 2008.

My holiday officially started with the submission of my final assignments last Friday -- an adventure in itself as it was the day of a big snowstorm -- which was followed immediately by the Annick Press holiday lunch. Although I am no longer on staff, they were kind enough to invite me. For a peek at how Heather and Monica festively transformed the already gorgeous party room at Heather's condo, check out the blog Tea Time at Annick Press.

Although working and being busy with my studies has kept me from being as in touch with you all as I would like, please know that you are in my thoughts this holiday season. To all our friends and family whom we can't be with for Christmas, Jeanette and I offer you big hugs, lots of love, and the best of everything for the holidays and 2009.

Merry Christmas!