Friday, December 14, 2007


I can taste!

Today was my workplace's holiday lunch. They kindly booked a restaurant within walking distance of our apartment in case I was feeling well enough to make an appearance. Happily, I was feeling well enough and I braved the cold for the ten-minute walk.

I had warned them that I wouldn't be eating, I wouldn't stay long, and I wouldn't say much -- in other words, the perfect party guest. Once I arrived, however, it was so fantastic to see everyone that I couldn't help but make conversation. And once I was surrounded by all the delicious smelling food, I couldn't resist a nibble. I tried a single sweet potato frite and was amazed to discover... I could taste it! I went on to have a little cream of mushroom soup. It was rich and delicious. I felt like an invalid who suddenly rises from his wheelchair.

Having some of my taste back feels like a miracle, but I'll remain cautious about returning to the world of solid foods. Who knows how testy my stomach will be after not having anything in it for four or five weeks. My goopy throat also has some objections to my taking in too much grub.

Nevertheless, the surprise return of my taste buds was truly a cause to celebrate. I ended up staying for the entire lunch. Not such a perfect guest after all, but who cares? I can taste!


At December 14, 2007 6:12 PM, Blogger janice said...

YAHOO! What wonderful news! I am so excited for you.

At December 14, 2007 6:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's amazing how the "simple" things just aren't so "simple" anymore - the miracle of tasting food!! How wonderful for you.

Cassie & Stef

At December 16, 2007 10:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey David, it's a festivus miracle! That's great.Maybe some Christmas treats can be yours after all.And who knows what feasts are ahead for next year!

At December 17, 2007 11:24 AM, Blogger alicia said...

you were still the perfect party guest! it was great to see david - and i'm pretty sure that cream of mushroom soup is the first step to swiss chalet!

At December 17, 2007 4:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mushroom soup today, tomorrow the world!

At December 19, 2007 8:35 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Dear David

You are AMAZING... How you manage to find a bit of humour in the darkest moments of this ordeal is an inspiration to everyone.

You are SOOOO deserving of a quick recovery now that the hell of radiation & chemo are finished. Hope the well, and the side-effects of all the treatments and medications are fully behind you, and that the Swiss Chalet dinner occurs months ahead of when you had anticipated it!

We know that Chad & Janice are looking forward to spending time with you in early January... maybe you'll even be able to experience some other interesting tastes with them.

Hugs from Ron & Judy


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