Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Scans, Skates, and Shoes

Today I had my follow-up CT scan of my head and neck. Next week I meet with Dr. O'Sullivan to review the results. Fingers crossed for a spotless scan!

Moving on down to the feet, Alfredo and I spent a fun foot-focused Saturday this past weekend courtesy of Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Toronto. First stop was Play it Again Sports where the crack staff fitted us each with a shiny new pair of ice skates!

BBBST, Play it Again Sports, and Capitol One have generously joined together to purchase skates for every skateless Big and Little who signed up to attend Big Brothers Winter Carnival next weekend. Alfredo loves to skate but has never owned a pair and so was over the moon at the gift. As for me, although I have yet to learn how to skate, Jeanette keeps threatening to teach me and now there's no excuse not to learn. Watch this space next week for photos of Alfredo and me in action (read: falling a lot) in our matching skates.

The footwear fashion parade continued when we zipped over to the Rexdale Bowlerama where we donned some bowling shoes and joined the Big Brothers Bowl for Kids Sake community day.

This was a more laid back affair than the media day of two weeks ago, and Alfredo was relieved not to have to give a single interview this time around. Instead, we had an entire lane to ourselves for the entire three hours. The extra time did our bowling skills good and by the end we'd racked up a number of strikes between us.

It was another amazing weekend thanks to Big Brothers and there are more to come. My ongoing thanks and appreciation to the hard-working folks who organize all these great activities. After all, buying skates and providing bowling shoes for all these Littles is incredible enough but for the Bigs as well? That is no small feet! (Sorry. Couldn't resist.)


At February 24, 2008 7:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi David,just caught up with your blog again and happy to read that you are back in the swing of things, bowling and all! Way to go both you and Alfredo. You're the first canadian that I know of that doesn't skate! I thought it was a required part of growing up canadian...you know like irish dancing was for me. I didn't know it was optional!
I hear 9 out of 10 doctors recommend those activities for keeping the immune system strong..and the 10th one can't skate! Cheers,Martina

At February 24, 2008 5:47 PM, Blogger David Wichman said...

Yes, they may revoke my Canadian citizenship -- especially now that I was unable to even try skating on Saturday!

I'll just have to eat more donuts and say "eh" a lot more to compensate.


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