Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Tube is Out!

I no longer have a tube coming out of my stomach!

This afternoon, Jeanette drove me down to Toronto General Hospital. They took me in at 1:00 PM and by 1:15 PM I was tube-free. It only stung slightly as the doctor slid the tube out; no anaesthetic necessary. I'm not to eat or drink until after 6:00 PM today and I'm to keep the bandage dry for the next 48 hours, after which the wound should be all healed up. What a contrast to the fiasco of putting the tube in.

To celebrate being newly unencumbered, I've purchased a water bottle with jogging holster. I hope to start running again by the end of the week. Hey, once you're free of the Matrix, you gotta rebuild those atrophied muscles.


At January 17, 2008 9:27 AM, Blogger Téa said...

Oh Tubeless one! Congratulations. But instead of running can you just hook yourself up to a muscle stimulation program?

At January 17, 2008 10:04 AM, Blogger David Wichman said...

As I recall from the film, they rebuilt Neo's muscles using hundreds of acupuncture type needles. I've had enough of getting stuck with needles for a while. Although, if it meant learning ju-jitsu in seconds, I might go for one big needle stuck in the back of my head...


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